2020 Annual Meeting Order of Business (FINAL  9-23)

  1.  Call to order. (Jon Richmond) 5:32 PM (11 attending, Quorum satisfied)

Welcome to the Portsmouth Business Association Annual Meeting. If during the meeting, you have a question of comment, either select the “raise hand “ Icon or enter a comment into the chat box.


  1. Minutes of previous meeting.



“ the minutes of last year’s meeting have been available on the web site. Copies are available for review”

“Do I have a Motion to accept the minutes?” Rich Talipsky

“Do I have a Second?” Michael Leverette

“Is there any Discussion”

“ Please take Poll 1”

“Motion carries”  100%

  1. Report of the Treasurer.


Treasurer’s report read by Kara Marley


“Do I have a Motion to accept the treasurer’s report?” Rich Talipsky

“Is there a Second?” Sandra

“Is there any Discussion”

“Please Take poll 2”

“Motion carries” 100%

  1. Reading of any communication received.

“There is no communications outstanding”

  1. Report of President
    Jon provided short overview
  2. Reports of committee chairs (if any)

“There are no committee reports”

  1. Unfinished business.

“There is no unfinished business”

  1. Election of officers

Rich T

“The Nominating Committee has Recommended the following Slate of Directors and Officers 2020

Directors – 3 – year terms expiring in 2023

Jon Richmond

Nancy Parker Wilson

Michael Leverett


Officers 1 – year term 2020-2021

John Richmond – President

Linda Bohmbach – Vice President

Sandra Dugan – Secretary

Kara Marley – Treasurer


Are there any other nominations from the membership”

“Hearing none, Do I have a motion to accept the nominations?”


“ I move to accept the nominations”  Michael


“Do I have a second?”


I second  Irena


“Is there any discussion?”


Jon (“Please take the poll 3)


“Motion Carries” 100%


A Member says “I move to elect the slate of Directors and Officers” (MEMBER CHIME IN)

“I second ((MEMBER CHIME IN)

Jon says

“Please take the poll for Directors”

(take poll 4)  (100%)

“Slate of Directors is approved”

“Please take the poll for Officers”

(take poll 5)  (100%)

“Slate of Officers is approved”


  1. New business.

Portsmouth Business of the year Award was not selected due to COVID-19 issues. . PBA will continue to solicit nominations


  1. Special Prize Raffle

“We will be now having a raffle of prizes donated my member companies that include bottles of wine, gift certificates and a grand prize of $250.” 


Prize raffle.


$50 Clements Card

Linda Bohmbach

Theodore Pietz

Karen Vebber

Sandra Dugan

Kara Marley


Greenvale Wine & Atria Gift Basket

Richard Cromwell


Home Health Smith

Kaylyn MacDougall


$100 Chamber Gift Cards

Irina Porto

Richard Talipsky

Jon Richmond

Michael Leverett

Karean Vebber


$250 Grand Prize

Michael Leverett


  1. Adjournment.



“Do I have a motion to adjourn” (Rich)

“Do I have a second?”(Kara)

“Is there any discussion?”

“All in Favor”

“All Opposed”

“Meeting is adjourned”  6:15 PM